At a recent meeting with the Union Station Redevelopment team, it was discovered that funding for Wynkoop Plaza has been reduced due to unavoidable, project-related increases in costs. These increased costs will force the development team to spend less money at Wynkoop Plaza, which will hinder the integrity of the design. However, there are ways to ensure that funding makes its way to the plaza...
As Wynkoop Plaza will be the center of the Public Realm at Union Station, we need to make sure it's done right! Help us fight for additional funding for Wynkoop Plaza, find additional donations, and make the public space a great area!
Send us your comments and feed back about how important Wynkoop Plaza is to the public:
1. Comment on this Blog
2. Write on Facebook!/pages/Union-Station-Advocates/43803914945
3. Tweet us
4. Email us
We need your support to make sure Wynkoop Plaza becomes all we know it can be!
Citizen participation in planning and governance of the public spaces at Denver Union Station
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
December 2 DUSPA Board Meeting Summary
Robin Kniech announced that she would be leaving the board as of the end of the December meeting.
Roger Sherman reviewed the Public Involvement over the past year including:
Roger Sherman reviewed the Public Involvement over the past year including:
- Re-launched the DUSPA website
- Held 4 meetings on DUS public realm
- Held public presentations and did community outreach
- Conducted public walking tours of the DUS site
- Created weekly DUS News Digest and updated Project Fact Sheets
- Organized the Construction Celebration
- A summary was distributed and can be found here
Mike Sullivan gave a project report:
- The project is 26% complete as of November 30.
- The Light Rail component is 57% complete
- The Bus Box is 27% complete
- The Commuter Rail component is 18% complete
- Plazas and ROWs are 19% complete
- The project can boast its 641st accident free day
- Utility relocations have been coming in under budget so far.
- The temporary Amtrak Station was expected to receive its certificate of occupancy on 12.3.10 and noticed was to be sent to Amtrak that they should start its service in the temporary location on February 1st.
- Design is complete on all transit elements except for redesign of track in throat
- Public Realm design is at 60% and final design decisions will be reviewed/decided over the next month with a Peer Group review expected in January, another public meeting in early February and hopefully presentation to Planning Board by end of February. Primary outstanding decisions include paving material and light fixtures.
- A budget review reported that $4 million of the contingency has been spent and $14.5 million is remaining.
- The board approved a new policy for change order approvals that called for DUSPA Board Approval for any change order that uses unallocated contingency funds over $500,000.
- The board approved the 2010/2011 Annual Budgets and Work Plans
- Budget assumes the South Wing Building parcel sale on Dec. 15th
- Budget assumes a sale of Market Street Station and the Triangle Piece in 2011.
- The board approved the Public Involvement Consultant’s Scope of Work and Budget for 2011·
- The board approved the 2nd Amendment to the USNC Master Developer Agreement that helps resolve potential timing issue on Plaza construction and South Wing Building construction.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
FREE 3 Month Membership with Tours
In an effort to encourage membership and truly engage public interest, Union Station Advocates is now offering a FREE 3 month membership with your $10 donation at our semi bi-weekly tours. Memberships offer a unique insight into what is happening on the site and behind the scenes. Perhaps most importantly, our members are directly involved with the project development as we bring their comments directly to the project team. If you're interested in having a one-of-a-kind insight into the Union Station Redevelopment, we encourage you to come joint a tour!
Where: Tours start in front of the historic station at 17th and Wynkoop
When: First, third, and fifth (as applicable) Saturday of each month, 10AM - 11AM, arrive by 955AM. Tours will happen rain or shine.
Who: Limit 15 people per tour, first come first served.
Donation***: $10 per person, cash only
*** Your donation now buys you a 3 month USA membership!

16th Street Mall Progresses
As one of the most iconic identifiers of Downtown Denver, 16th Street Mall is the focus of tourism and City character. The Downtown Denver Partnership, RTD, and the City of Denver are working with private consultants to revamp the pavers and streetscape design in the coming months.
The new design for 16th Street Mall includes 2 options. Option #1 minimizes overall intervention with the current design by maintaining existing transit operations and overall layout. This option keeps the bus lanes, sidewalks, and treeline. Option #2 responds to current solar exposure by transforming the entire mall into an asymmetrical block setup. This setup moves the two lanes of traffic together around the existing south treeline, making the former transit lane an extra-wide walkway with extended patio and kiosk space. This provides more flexible pedestrian space with room for full-scale retail kiosks. It also allows retail access without crossing bus lanes and creates an expanded walkway are as well as a possible third row of trees. It is feasible to make this change while still preserving the ornate diamondback paver design and the design does not disturb the existing Honey-Locust trees.
To learn more about the design options, please see the Downtown Denver Partnership website at
The new design for 16th Street Mall includes 2 options. Option #1 minimizes overall intervention with the current design by maintaining existing transit operations and overall layout. This option keeps the bus lanes, sidewalks, and treeline. Option #2 responds to current solar exposure by transforming the entire mall into an asymmetrical block setup. This setup moves the two lanes of traffic together around the existing south treeline, making the former transit lane an extra-wide walkway with extended patio and kiosk space. This provides more flexible pedestrian space with room for full-scale retail kiosks. It also allows retail access without crossing bus lanes and creates an expanded walkway are as well as a possible third row of trees. It is feasible to make this change while still preserving the ornate diamondback paver design and the design does not disturb the existing Honey-Locust trees.
To learn more about the design options, please see the Downtown Denver Partnership website at
Kiewit Prices Public Realm Drawings
In the month of November, Kiewit has finalized pricing for 60% public realm drawings. This pricing gives RTD a better idea of final construction costs and project status. As Kiewit moves forward with pricing and drawings, they continue to seek public input and citizen participation.
To encourage designs that have come straight from the Denver citizenry, Union Station Advocates, LoDo District, LoDoNa, and the Downtown Denver Partnership will convene with the City of Denver and RTD in December. Let us know if you have comments you would like us to bring!
To encourage designs that have come straight from the Denver citizenry, Union Station Advocates, LoDo District, LoDoNa, and the Downtown Denver Partnership will convene with the City of Denver and RTD in December. Let us know if you have comments you would like us to bring!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Come Tour Union Station!
Don't forget about our bi-weekley tours! We have another tour coming up this Saturday from 10-11AM, and we would love to see some new faces!
Remember that your $10 donation now buys you a 3 month membership to Union Station Advocates. With this membership you will receive project updates, newsletters, and event invitations. Becoming a member is the BEST way to learn about what's happening at Union Station.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Where: Tours start in front of the historic station at 17th and Wynkoop
When: 1st, 3rd, and 5th Saturday of each month, 10-11 AM, arrive by 955AM. Tours happen rain or shine.
Who: Limit 15 people per tour, first come first served.
Donation: $10 per person, cash only*
* Your donation now buys you a 3 month USA membership!!!
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