Thursday, August 18, 2011

Light Rail Opening Festivities

For a record of the festivities on August 15 with the opening of the new Light Rail station at Denver Union Station, please see this fantastic blog post from Denver InFill!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer Newsletter

Our summer newsletter is now available! Click HERE to read what's been happening through the summer at Denver Union Station.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Aug 15: Grand Opening of DUS Light Rail

Please join the Denver Union Station Project Authority and RTD for the Grand Opening of the Denver Union Station Light Rail Station.

Monday August 15, 2011

7-9 AM

Entertainment by the Denver Municipal Band Brass Quartet

740AM Special Train Arrives

750 Program

We Hope to see you there!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

DUSPA Meeting Aug 4

Project Update:

As of the end of July 2011, the overall project was 43.7% complete. The LRT was at 91% , the Bus Box at 45% and the Streets and Plazas at 45%.

On Monday, August 15th the new Light Rail Station opens and the 16th Mall shuttle buses will be operating to this new location. Early that morning there will be an public opening celebration starting at approximately 7:50 a.m. at the new station.

As soon as the newly constructed Chestnut Street opens to traffic, Wewatta Street will close allowing for excavation to complete the bus box. The glass is being installed in the bus box skylights and the escalator work and wayfinding signage has begun.

As far as project risk, most of the previous unknowns are now known and the good news is that the potential soil contamination is far less than feared. Hopefully this saves some money on the project!

The pedestrian bridge final design should be complete by end of August. The final Public Realm design will incorporate enhancements to the paving materials and crosswalks now that final numbers confirm they can be absorbed by the budget. The Landmark Preservation Commission had previously approved the plans for Wynkoop Plaza with the exception of the necessary protection strategy for the fountain, leaving that final approval to the City. The development team submitted a solution that included combination of bollards and seat walls and the City gave its final approval on July 28th.

The CDOT FASTER Grant is currently being executed. The $4 million will benefit the Historic Station and the work being completed to it which includes two new boilers that are being installed this fall.

Denver Transit Partners who is building the commuter rail line to the airport, has requested and is paying for an increase to the width of their platform. Amtrak has requested and is paying for an extention to their platform at their temporary station site.
Some of the remaining issues for the project include a strategy for the crosswalks on Wynkoop and a permanent solution for the required 150 public parking spaces.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

DUS Tour Saturday

We will be giving a tour of Denver Union Station this saturday morning, the only tour taking place during the transition from old to new light rail station.

Tours start in front of the historic station at 17th and Wynkoop at 10AM. Your $10 donation will go to help our non-profit organization ensure a great public space at DUS.

We would love to see you there!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Summer Light Rail Changes

RTD is proud to bring exciting changes to the metro area’s transit system this summer. RTD will be opening a new light rail station at Denver Union Station on August 15, and a new Auraria West Campus Station in the Fall. To accomplish this, and moving one step closer to completing the FasTracks Program, we will have Light Rail closures from July 23 – August 14 in the downtown area. To lessen the impact to RTD passengers, we will be doing one consolidated closure. Attached, you will find a fact sheet that goes into more detail about the closures and the alternative bus shuttle service that will be available in lieu of light rail service.

During this time, we ask that all of our community partners help us spread the word, so everyone stays informed. Weekly updates will be provided via email and on our website at , as well as maps that show the temporary shuttle service during the closures. Attached to this email, you will also find a fact sheet explaining in greater detail the closures and subsequent bus shuttle service and a flyer to use to communicate with your customers or employees. We greatly appreciate everyone’s patience during this exciting time as RTD moves forward to provide you a world class transportation system. Progress is never easy but the end result is always appreciated, and we will all look forward to the results on August 15.

CLICK HERE for External Fact Sheet

CLICK HERE for Closures Flyer

Monday, August 1, 2011

FTA and SHPO Pursue Formal Clearance for Wynkoop Plaza

The Union Station site has hit the 40% constructed stage and Wynkoop Plaza design elements have garnered support by the project partners and involved stakeholders. The project, pushing forward, is ready to seek further federal funding support of the design and construction elements of Wynkoop Plaza. In order to allow federal support, FTA and SHPO have agreed to pursue formal clearance with a Categorical Exclusion and a 106 Consultation Process.

We're excited to see the project teaming doing everything they can to make Wynkoop Plaza a great public space!