The content of our newsletter can be found below:
Happy Holidays from Union Station Advocates!
2011 is drawing to a close and the Denver Union Station project is moving full steam ahead! As of December 1st, the light rail platform and facilities are 97% completed, the underground bus box is 49% completed, the commuter rail facilities are 36% completed and the streets and plazas are 52% completed. According to the project team, many of the unknowns have now been resolved, and we are past most of the construction risk. Construction highlights this year have included finalization of the plans for the public spaces, closing the pedestrian tunnel under and behind the station, relocating the Amtrak station to its temporary facilities, extension of the 16th Street Mall, opening of the relocated light rail platform and 16th Street Mall shuttle terminus, opening of Chestnut Street, and the erection of Chestnut Street Pavilion. Next up is the pending decision on the DUS Historic Station Redeveloper. Union Station Advocates is proud to say we continue to advocate on behalf of the public and provide opportunities for citizen input. We are excited to finally start seeing the results of everyone’s hard work after all these years and continue to look forward to Spring of 2014 for the project’s completion. Below is more detail on some of this season’s exciting changes and progress. For up to date information as it occurs, please follow our blog at
Historic Station Redevelopment Update
On November 4th, two pre-qualified development teams presented to the public their respective concepts for the redevelopment of the Denver Union Station Historic Station. A video of the public presentation can be viewed at: and the hard copy presentations can be seen at: Union Station Advocates and the LoDo District, Inc. then co-hosted a neighborhood meeting on Nov. 9th to discuss the proposals. Subsequently, the Union Station Advocates board members, except for one who abstained and one who chose not to take a position, vocalized their support of the Union Station Alliance plan in a letter to RTD.
Union Station Advocates believes the hotel concept is superior for many of the same reasons that have been widely noted in various articles and editorials. We are pleased to report that on December 13th, the RTD Finance Committee passed a motion to recommend the hotel concept to the entire Board. The Board is expected to take a final vote on the team selection on Dec. 20th.
Denver Union Station Public Realm
A very positive outcome from the extremely competitive nature of the above process, is that RTD was pleasantly surprised by the enormous public outpouring of expressed interest in the historic station and its associated public realm! Because of this strong interest, staff expressed to the Board in their recommendation that it would be imperative to continue a public outreach as plans for the train hall and other first floor uses continue to evolve to be sure the final result satisfies the community. Less spoken of, but an integral part of the negotiations with the selected team, is the management and programming solution for Wynkoop Plaza. In 2009, DUS stakeholders, including Union Station Advocates, convened a "Public Space Symposium" with five high profile public space experts to study and recommend a management structure specifically for Wynkoop Plaza. That recommendation was the creation of an independent, community-based, non-profit entity, similar to the Civic Center Conservancy. This approach would allow for the management of the Plaza to be supported by citizen input and involvement and would expand fund raising and sponsorship opportunities for the Plaza’s benefit. Under this approach, the entity in charge would have only one mission—to ensure the Plaza’s success as a thriving public space. This is the approach we have promoted since the early days of our organization.
Union Station Alliance has publicly stated that they also support the recommendations from the Public Space Symposium, and has committed to working directly with the community to implement them. However, Union Station Neighborhood Company has only stated that they would manage Wynkoop Plaza, noting their experience at Belmar in Lakewood. We would like to take this opportunity to say that Union Station Advocates is opposed to the historic station’s redeveloper having control over Wynkoop Plaza as proposed by USNC. Wynkoop Plaza is to become a prominent public space, owned by a public entity (RTD) and, rightfully, managed by a community-based entity serving as a steward and advocate of the space on behalf of, and for the benefit of, the public. To allow Wynkoop Plaza to function as a de facto extension of the private developer’s domain, or to permit an arrangement that could tempt the private developer to manage the Plaza in a manner that prioritizes their own financial interests over the public’s interests, would be a grave mistake.
Based on what has transpired to date, we are encouraged to believe that Union Station Alliance will be the redevelopment team that RTD selects. If in fact they are, not only does their proposal best ensure the long-term financial viability and activation of the historic station, but we can also look forward to working together on a community-based management and programming solution for Wynkoop Plaza!
Kiewit Offers Construction Update
The Denver Union Station Project continues to make significant progress. To demonstrate the progress, Kiewit has offered an update that discusses the current construction work onsite, as well as what we can expect in the future:
Below are some of the highlights:
- Construction of 16th Street between Wewatta and Wynkoop began in early December and will continue for several months. 16th Street Mall FreeMall Ride Service will continue during this timeframe
- Construction for the retaining wall adjacent to the Ice House/Rodizio Grill will begin late December and will last 4-6 weeks. The Ice House Garage will maintain access during that timeframe
- The parking lot and sidewalk in front of Denver Union Station will close starting in January 2012 for reconstruction. Access to the historic station building will be maintained during that timeframe.
- Construction of the north wing building will commence in Spring 2012.