Project Status
Progress on the Union Station project continues, but much of it remains behind the scenes. For instance, we’ve heard scuttlebutt that the bond sale, which was targeted for May, is being rethought in favor of DOT loan financing. There may still be a bond sale, but it may be for a smaller portion of the overall financing requirement. Other scuttlebutt includes word that the developer, Union Station Neighborhood Company (USNC) has asked for a below-grade easement under part of the Union Station Plaza (Wynkoop side of the station) for an additional bay of parking. It wasn’t clear as to whether the grade level above would be included in the easement for outdoor seating associated with retail tenants. The issue for an at-grade easement onto the plaza is a concern over encroachment into the open space left for public use. Of additional interest is USNC’s selection of Anderson Mason Dale and Semple Brown Design to jointly design the first two buildings bordering north and south sides of the Union Station Plaza.
Meeting Reports
Two public meetings were held this month, a meeting on March 12th and the final USAC meeting on March 19th. Also the minutes of the DUSPA Board Meeting of February 19, 2009 were published and are available on the USA Blog.
The Land Use/Urban Design BOG meeting outlined the comments made regarding the draft Standards and Guidelines presented in February. A summary of these comments will be posted on the website. There will be opportunity to address specific comments/issues in April at a joint meeting of the Landmark Preservation Committee (LPC) and the City Planning Board. Two of the concerns mentioned included the station building (active uses, the west side ROW, and potential penetrations in the historic structure), and transit architecture issues (a request for a revisiting of the Intent Statement, the upper level deck, and stops for the shuttle and circulator). Other comments addressed the mixed use building design (specifically ground level uses), bicycle issues (access, routes and facilities), and how above-grade parking would be handled for mixed use buildings.
At the USAC meeting, the DUS Transit District General Development Plan (GDP) and the Transportation Demand Management Plan (TDMP), which is a required part of the GDP. The GDP guides all development within the defined boundaries of the Union Station project. It reflects the conceptual land uses and documents the necessary infrastructure systems. Specifically listed were land use, open space, urban design, pedestrian circulation, transportation, water, waste water and utilities. The GDP will be presented to the LPC and the Planning Board on April 7th. USNC will host a public meeting on the GDP in mid-April.
Tom Gougeon addressed several issues related to sustainability that USNC is evaluating. His slides and the GDP slides should be posted to the website.
The intent of the TDMP is to promote transit use, specifically to reduce car trips by encouraging alternative uses of transportation. Three programs were outlined. The first, which is called the Committed Program, will be available at development time. The second is the Near-term Program which will add incentives when additional funds become available. The third is the Long-term Program will build upon incentive implemented in the first two programs such as Car-sharing and a virtual Commuter Store. Details should be available on the website listed above.
The minutes of the DUSPA Board Meeting of February 19, 2009 describe the Denver Union Station Project Authority proceedings in a nine page document, now available on the USA blog. Of particular interest is the take down schedule for the project presented by Chad Fuller of the City of Denver:
- The South Wing Building - late spring 2009
- The North Wing Building – December 2009
- The Triangle Parcel - early 2012
- The A and B Blocks - December 2011 and December 2012
- The G Block – June 2011
- The Market Street Parcel should be taken down in 2012 rather than 2014 because it is linked to completion of the Project and the opening of DUS and the bus facility
Diane Barrett, also of the City, added that the take downs of A, B and G Blocks have added assurance because they are guaranteed by the parent companies of USNC.
Upcoming Project Milestones and Meetings
April 7: DS&G joint presentation to LPC and Planning Board
April 15: GDP Planning Board hearing
Watch the USA blog for additional meeting details as they become available.
Union Station Advocates Roundtable
The Roundtables continue to be an effective and engaging meeting allowing our members to have informal discussions on important issues of the Union Station project. Recent Roundtables have focused on the Design Standards and Guidelines, the Historic Station Building, and future Governance/Maintenance of the project. We recently appointed a task force to focus on the Historic Station Building and how it can most effectively be used in the evolving context of the site (the new buildings, the redeveloped transit functions, etc). This task force is making exciting progress on a report of their findings to be given to the Roundtable group and the USA Board later this Spring.
The next topic we will discuss is Sustainability at the Historic Station and Train Shed area. We will hold this Roundtable discussion on:
Monday, April 13, 2009, 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Kentwood City Properties Conference Room, 17th & Wynkoop (enter off 17th)
Roundtable meetings are held the second and fourth Mondays of each month, and are open only to USA members and their guests. Led by USA board member and architect Levi Reeves, each Roundtable meeting provides the opportunity for attendees to discuss in-depth a topic associated with the Union Station project. A few days before each Roundtable, all USA members will receive an invitation via email for the upcoming meeting with an opportunity to RSVP. We hope we’ll see you at our next Roundtable meeting!
Union Station Libation(s)
Union Station Libation(s) is an informal monthly social gathering for Union Station fans. Here's how it works:
Show up sometime between 4:30 and 6:30 PM on the second Friday of each month at the Wynkoop Brewery (upstairs) and socialize with fellow Union Station enthusiasts. No program, no speeches, no sign-up sheets... just hang out and chat about Union Station or whatever. You pay for your own drinks and/or food and you leave when you want. Simple as that. Union Station Libation(s) is a great way for you to meet new people, stay up on all the latest Union Station gossip, and start your weekend off right.
We hope you’ll join us for the next Libations on Friday, April 10!
Download this News Update
To download this March 2009 News Update in PDF format, please click here.
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