The following project status updates relate to the Union Station redevelopment extracted from two Denver Post web postings on dated April 8, 2009:
Project Status
RTD trains eye on money plan:
- The RTD board voted to direct the agency to pursue $1 billion in federal money for a planned effort by a public-private partnership to build FasTracks routes from Union Station to DIA and Arvada/Wheat Ridge.
- Electrified commuter rail is the preferred technology for the North Metro train that is to run from Union Station to north Adams County, including service to Commerce City, Thornton and Northglenn. Diesel had previously been considered the less expensive technology.
- Directors also approved a measure to spend $40 million to get the first phase of Union Station reconstruction underway.
- RTD and DUSPA have jointly negotiated with the contracting firm Kiewit a total construction cost of $341 million for the Union Station Project, which includes an 8-track commuter rail station, a 22-bay underground bus facility, relocation of the existing light-rail platform and other transit elements.
Labor gets aboard Union Station:
- Labor leaders, who were pushing for affordable housing and prevailing wage agreements, have agreed to back the project.
- City Councilwoman Judy Montero said the City agreed to include five permanent retail spaces for local small businesses in the project and to make sure that 15% of the design work and 16% of the construction work goes to disadvantaged business enterprises.
- Kiewit agreed to set up an apprentice program that will train people in construction trades.
Diane Barrett, a special assistant to the Mayor, said that if the City succeeds in breaking ground this year, more than 1000 jobs will be created on the first phase. - Also in this same article, Chad Fuller, senior financial analyst in the City’s Department of Finance, made the following comments regarding the financing of the project:
The City is seeking federal loans to help boost the project. In addition, the City previously pulled together $28.4 million in new federal aid this year to bolster the $48.6 million in federal funds already earmarked.
Two years ago the State of Colorado appropriated $17.3 million, and RTD has guaranteed that it will sell up to $38.4 million in land to developers and the City to make the project a go.
The City is waiting to see if it will receive more than $300 million in low-interest loans from the federal government. Those loans would be repaid from taxes collected over 30 years.
Meeting Reports
The Landmark Preservation Commission and the City Planning Committee in a joint meeting each approved the proposed Standards and Guidelines (S&G) for the 19.5 acre portion of the Union Station development. Some of the suggestions by Union Station Advocates and other organizations were adopted by the project team. Both USA and Shannon Gifford (representing LoDo) spoke briefly in favor of less restrictive language concerning allowance of additional historically sensitive doors and openings in the station if needed for pedestrian flow and activation. The LPC choose to keep the current language stating that it had the tools to deal with the issue on a case by case basis.
Another point of clarification requested by USA related to whether the station and the proposed new train shed behind it were considered part of the public realm. Ellen Ittelson of the City said they were.
Upcoming Project Milestones and Meetings
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 - USA and the Platte Valley & Western Model Railroad Club are hosting a Celebration of Union Station in the Great Train Hall of the station, 5:30 – 7:30 P.M. The event is open to members and prospective new members and will include libations, hors d’oeuvres, and tours of the model railroad exhibit.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - A public meeting on the Union Station General Development Plan (GDP) will be held at the Union Station Neighborhood Company offices in Union Station (Suite 140), 5:30 – 7:00 P.M. The intent of the GDP is to establish a workable framework for the development of large or phased projects. It identifies issues related to major transportation, water, wastewater, open space, land use and urban design, within the GDP area. The GDP is available for review at: Written comments should be emailed to:
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 - Regarding the GDP, a public hearing of the Denver Planning Board will be held at 3:00 P.M. at the Webb Municipal Building, 201 West Colfax Avenue, Room 4.F.6
Watch the USA blog for additional meeting details as they become available.
Union Station Advocates Roundtable
The Roundtables continue to be an effective and engaging meeting allowing our members to have informal discussions on important issues of the Union Station project. The most recent Roundtable focused on the Sustainability at the Historic Station.
The next Roundtable will be held:
Monday, April 27, 2009, 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Kentwood City Properties Conference Room, 17th & Wynkoop (enter off 17th)
Our topic will be the potential for a public market at DUS or in the surrounding area.
Roundtable meetings are held the second and fourth Mondays of each month, and are open only to USA members and their guests. Led by USA board member and architect Levi Reeves, each Roundtable meeting provides the opportunity for attendees to discuss in-depth a topic associated with the Union Station project. A few days before each Roundtable, all USA members will receive an invitation via email for the upcoming meeting with an opportunity to RSVP. We hope we’ll see you at our next Roundtable meeting!
Union Station Libation(s)
Union Station Libation(s) is an informal monthly social gathering for Union Station fans. Here's how it works:
Show up sometime between 5:30 and 7:30 PM on the second Thursday of each month at the Wynkoop Brewery (upstairs) and socialize with fellow Union Station enthusiasts. No program, no speeches, no sign-up sheets... just hang out and chat about Union Station or whatever. You pay for your own drinks and/or food and you leave when you want. Simple as that. Union Station Libation(s) is a great way for you to meet new people, stay up on all the latest Union Station gossip, and start your weekend off right.
We hope you’ll join us for the next Libations on Thursday, May 14.
For a downloadable PDF of this news update, please click here.
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