Thursday, January 7, 2010

Roundtable Monday - Mizpah Arch 2

Due to some scheduling conflicts with the Northern Trust Room, we have relocated for this meeting. David Tryba has graciously offered us the main conference room at his office for our meeting. Tryba's office is at 16th and Logan and the entrance is off of Logan Street (just north of the entrance to the residence). There are a few guest parking spaces in the alley and plenty off-street 2-hour parking on the surrounding streets.

Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting!

When: Monday, January 11, 5:30-6:30pm

Where: Tryba Architects (1620 Logan Street)

Levi Reeves

Roundtable Director

PS. The original email can be accessed here:

PPS: Roundtables are a benefit to our members. If you are not a member, we would love to have you! Visit our membership website at to join!

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