Saturday, February 21, 2009

Transit Architecture USAC Presentation

The presentation of the proposed transit architecture revealed more of the thinking behind renderings that have been presented in past meetings, but no significant changes. Marilyn Taylor and Roger Duffy of SOM stressed that the design was still in the concept phase and would evolve with input from the public and project team. They indicated that the continuation of the public process related to both the transit architecture and the design of the public realm would ramp back up in the late spring/early summer after contractual and financial issues were resolved. The presentation graphics are to be posted on the website in the next day or so.

The train shed seems to be setting the tone (theme) for the transit architecture. The architects are trying to strike a balance between cost, materials and views from the west side of the station. Hence, they continue to advocate the tubular steel infrastructure, epoxy paint and teflon roofing material saying that these materials are lighter, cheaper and less obtructive. They maintain that they are not trying to relate to DIA architecture.

When asked about activating the train room in the historic station, the architects said that the station itself was outside the purview of their engagement, but they felt that the surrounding activity would help promote the use of the station interior.

When asked about the problems areas they were wrestling with in the design, Roger Duffy said the "intersections" of various design elements (e.g., the relationship of the kinetic plaza to the train shed and the historic station) were his major preoccupation.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Roundtable Monday - DS&G


The deadline for comments on the Design Standards & Guidelines for the Denver Union Station development is fast approaching (March 5). For this reason, we will suspend our previously scheduled topic and focus entirely on the DS&G at the next USA roundtable, which be held this coming Monday (2/23) from 5:30pm to 6:30pm at the Kentwood City Properties conference room (17th and Wynkoop, enter off of 17th). Download a copy of the DS&G using the following link.

DUS Design Standards & Guidelines

The intent of this roundtable will be to identify any inadequacies or changes we feel should be addressed in the DS&G. The USA board will then formulate a written response (based on your comments at the roundtable) for consideration by the project team and the City and County of Denver.

Union Station Advocates Roundtable
Monday, February 23, 2009, 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Location: Kentwood City Properties Conference Room

At the last roundtable, we charted the major players (companies, organizations, districts, etc) in the DUS project and their relationships to each other. Thanks to each of you who participated! After this diagram is approved, we'll make it available to our members.

Hope to see you on Monday!

Levi Reeves
Roundtable Director

Reminder: roundtables are a benefit to all our members. If you are not a member, we would love to have you! It's simple: sign up through our website, or come to the roundtable Monday and we will give you information on how to join.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Public Design Meetings TODAY and TOMORROW

Two important public meetings this week include:

WEDNESDAY: The Land Use and Urban Design Breakout Group (BOG) will meet on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. The Land Use/Urban Design BOG meeting will be held at the PB office, 555 17th Street, 5th Floor. An overview of the draft Design Standards and Guidelines (DS&G) will be presented by Kristopher Takacs and Ellen Ittelson, followed by an opportunity to ask questions and provide initial comments. The team also will review the process for submitting written comments and the schedule for final review and adoption of the Guidelines.

THURSDAY: The Union Station Advisory Committee (USAC) will meet on Thursday, February 19, 2008, from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. The USAC meeting will be held at the RTD administrative office, 1600 Blake St., Room T&D. The agenda will include a transit architecture presentation by Marilyn Jordan Taylor and Roger Duffy, partners, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLC., and a summary of the Land Use and Urban Design BOG meeting.

Hopefully, many of you can attend.

Monday, February 9, 2009

SOM Presents Refined Transit Architecture Designs

At the February 5, 2009 DUSPA (Denver Union Station Project Authority) board meeting, the Union Station project architects SOM gave a presentation on the latest designs for the transit architecture (canopies, shelters, corridors, etc.).

A link to open/download a PDF copy (9 MB) of that presentation is presented below:

SOM Transit Architecture Presentation 2009-02-09

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Programming Roundtable on Monday

We will hold our next regular USA roundtable Monday (2/9) from 5:30-6:30 at the Kentwood City Properties conference room (17th and Wynkoop, enter off of 17th). We will be discussing and explaining the project team and involved companies and groups. The bulk of our conversation will focus on the programming and planning of all the public spaces. So plan to come and participate in the discussion!

Union Station Advocates Roundtable
Monday, February 9th, 2009, 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Location: Kentwood City Properties Conference Room

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Announcing the first Union Station Libation(s)!

Hey everyone! Union Station Advocates is launching a new informal monthly social gathering for Union Station fans. It's called Union Station Libation(s) and here's how it works:

Show up sometime between 4:30 and 6:30 PM on the second Friday of each month at the Wynkoop Brewery (Upstairs) and socialize with fellow Union Station fans. No program, no speeches, no sign-up sheets... just hang out and chat about Union Station or whatever. You pay for your own drinks and/or food and you leave when you want. Simple as that.

Union Station Libation(s) is a great way for you to meet new people, stay up on all the latest Union Station gossip, and start your weekend off right.

Join us for the first ever Union Station Libation(s) on Friday, February 13!

Here's a PDF flyer with all the pertinent information for you to forward to your friends. See you on the 13th!