Saturday, February 21, 2009

Transit Architecture USAC Presentation

The presentation of the proposed transit architecture revealed more of the thinking behind renderings that have been presented in past meetings, but no significant changes. Marilyn Taylor and Roger Duffy of SOM stressed that the design was still in the concept phase and would evolve with input from the public and project team. They indicated that the continuation of the public process related to both the transit architecture and the design of the public realm would ramp back up in the late spring/early summer after contractual and financial issues were resolved. The presentation graphics are to be posted on the website in the next day or so.

The train shed seems to be setting the tone (theme) for the transit architecture. The architects are trying to strike a balance between cost, materials and views from the west side of the station. Hence, they continue to advocate the tubular steel infrastructure, epoxy paint and teflon roofing material saying that these materials are lighter, cheaper and less obtructive. They maintain that they are not trying to relate to DIA architecture.

When asked about activating the train room in the historic station, the architects said that the station itself was outside the purview of their engagement, but they felt that the surrounding activity would help promote the use of the station interior.

When asked about the problems areas they were wrestling with in the design, Roger Duffy said the "intersections" of various design elements (e.g., the relationship of the kinetic plaza to the train shed and the historic station) were his major preoccupation.

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