Tuesday, March 10, 2009

USA February 2009 News Update

February 2009

There has been a dearth of public meetings about the Union Station project over the past two months, but this month two meetings took place which are briefly described herein. The following Project Status report is our understanding of some of the behind-the-scenes activities that have taken place. Also included are USA’s reports on this month’s public meetings and a notice of upcoming meetings/activities in the next few months.

Project Status

Legal, contractual and financial matters have preoccupied the Union Station Project stakeholders over the past month. Key milestones and works-in-process include:

The Denver Union Station Project Authority (DUSPA) is projected to receive $3 million to cover operational and administrative costs. $1.5 million is to come from the city's contingency fund. The finance committee of the Denver City Council gave its blessing to the plan, which now goes to the full City Council for consideration. In addition, RTD has committed $1.5 million.
DUSPA is actively pursuing federal stimulus funds. These funds would most likely be channeled to the project via CDOT, DRCOG and RTD.
RTD is in process of negotiating a contract with Kiewit for the transportation components of the project. AE Com and SOM will work in concert with Kiewit.
The EOC (Executive Oversight Committee) has adopted a resolution to transfer responsibility for the project from the current Project Management Team and the EOC to DUSPA.
DUSPA meets every other Thursday at Hogan & Hartson’s offices in the Tabor Center. Their meetings are open to the public. The most recent meeting was February 19, 2009.
The development of the Financial Plan for the project is in process. It must precede the Bond Sale and the Notice to Proceed to Kiewit, both currently scheduled for May 2009.

DUS Design Standards and Guidelines

The draft Denver Union Station Design Standards and Guidelines is now available for public review and comment. The document can be viewed/downloaded on the DUS project website at:

The Design Standards and Guidelines will be used by the Landmark Preservation Commission, Planning Board, and Community Planning and Development staff to review and approve proposed development on the 19.5-acre DUS site. Adoption of the document as City Rules and Regulations will occur at a formal public hearing later this spring.

Meeting Reports

The Land Use and Urban Design Breakout Group (BOG) met Wednesday, February 18, 2009. An overview of the draft Design Standards and Guidelines (DS&G) was presented by Kristopher Takacs of SOM and Ellen Ittelson from the City, followed by an opportunity to ask questions and provide initial comments. The presenters also reviewed the process for submitting written comments and the schedule for final review and adoption of the Guidelines.

The Union Station Advisory Committee (USAC) met on Thursday, February 19, 2008. The agenda included a transit architecture presentation by Marilyn Jordan Taylor and Roger Duffy, partners, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLC., and a summary of the February 18th Land Use and Urban Design BOG meeting. A copy of SOM’s February 19 transit architecture presentation will be posted to our USA blog once it is available. A previous SOM presentation on transit architecture that is similar to what was presented at the February 19 meeting is currently available on our USA blog (posted February 9).

Upcoming Project Milestones and Meetings

March 5: DS&G written comments deadline
March 12: BOG: Review list of public comments
§ March 19: USAC: General Development Plan (GDP) Review (this may be the final meeting of USAC)
March 23: GDP deadline for written comments
April 7: DS&G Joint presentation to LPC and Planning Board
April 15: GDP Planning Board hearing

Watch the USA blog for additional meeting details as they become available.

Union Station Advocates Roundtable

The deadline for comments on the Design Standards & Guidelines for the Denver Union Station development is fast approaching (March 5). For this reason, we will suspend our previously scheduled Roundtable topic and focus entirely on the DS&G at the next USA Roundtable.

The intent of this roundtable will be to identify any inadequacies or changes we feel should be addressed in the DS&G. The USA board will then formulate a written response (based on your comments at the Roundtable) for consideration by the project team and the City and County of Denver. The next Union Station Advocates Roundtable is:

Monday, February 23, 2009, 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Kentwood City Properties Conference Room, 17th & Wynkoop (enter off 17th)

At the last Roundtable, we charted the major players (companies, organizations, districts, etc) in the DUS project and their relationships to each other. Thanks to each of you who participated! After this diagram has been finalized, we'll make it available to our members.

Roundtable meetings are held the second and fourth Mondays of each month, and are open only to USA members and their guests. Led by USA board member and architect Levi Reeves, each Roundtable meeting provides the opportunity for attendees to discuss in-depth a topic associated with the Union Station project. A few days before each Roundtable, all USA members will receive an invitation via email for the upcoming meeting with an opportunity to RSVP. We hope we’ll see you at our next Roundtable meeting!

Union Station Libation(s)

Union Station Libation(s) is an informal monthly social gathering for Union Station fans. Here's how it works:

Show up sometime between 4:30 and 6:30 PM on the second Friday of each month at the Wynkoop Brewery (upstairs) and socialize with fellow Union Station enthusiasts. No program, no speeches, no sign-up sheets... just hang out and chat about Union Station or whatever. You pay for your own drinks and/or food and you leave when you want. Simple as that. Union Station Libation(s) is a great way for you to meet new people, stay up on all the latest Union Station gossip, and start your weekend off right.

Our inaugural Union Station Libation(s) was a big success! Thank you to everyone who showed up. We hope you’ll join us for the next Libations on Friday, March 13.

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