Wednesday, December 15, 2010

USA Needs Your Help!

At a recent meeting with the Union Station Redevelopment team, it was discovered that funding for Wynkoop Plaza has been reduced due to unavoidable, project-related increases in costs. These increased costs will force the development team to spend less money at Wynkoop Plaza, which will hinder the integrity of the design. However, there are ways to ensure that funding makes its way to the plaza...

As Wynkoop Plaza will be the center of the Public Realm at Union Station, we need to make sure it's done right! Help us fight for additional funding for Wynkoop Plaza, find additional donations, and make the public space a great area!

Send us your comments and feed back about how important Wynkoop Plaza is to the public:
1. Comment on this Blog

2. Write on Facebook!/pages/Union-Station-Advocates/43803914945

3. Tweet us

4. Email us

We need your support to make sure Wynkoop Plaza becomes all we know it can be!


David Huntress said...

What has been cut? Trees, bosque area, seating, water feature, trees along Wynkoop? The station will be there and look nice. But, this plaza area is THE public space and needs to function, as well as appear inviting. Knowing what changes have been made would be helpful. Thank you.

Kyle said...

I would absolutely say that the Wynkoop Plaza is one of the, if not THE most important design features of this entire redevelopment! It is the front door and face of OUR Union Station and will be the first and last experiences MANY people will have coming and going from Union Station on a daily basis. I would personally rather have funding cut from other parts of the project before they are cut here. I beg you all do come up with some new sources of funding and let everyone know about this problem and what can be done to fix it.